Pandito V Merelsnest Z aka WiFi
Birth year: 2015
A collaboration between proven British Breeders & Equah (Equine Auction House).
Reserve your complimentary tickets here: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/the-best-auction
We're excited to present you with a collection of Elite 3 year olds with outstanding pedigree and talent.
Stables open approximately 4pm
Loose jumping approximately 6pm
Online Auction
11th & 12th November 2023
Viewing Day 11th November at:
Brendon Stud
BN45 7EG
Pay Bar & Refreshments
Tel or email
Shirley +447968847025
Jonathon +447905602791
Caz email light16@hotmail.co.uk
So on the whole we had a great year!
Ralph aka Caretino Glory is still fit and well at the grand old age of 25. We still ride him, in fact he sulks if we don’t ride him. He’s still available with fantastic fresh and chilled semen.
Dime Bar aka Envoy Merelsnest Z had a great year, he completed his first Hickstead Derby with Morgan, it was also Morgan’s first ride round the massive 1.60m course. It’s such a magic moment to have one jump in this iconic class. We’re aiming again for the derby this year. Dime is currently at Phillip Millers as Morgan is still on light duties re concussion. Available frozen only.
Krispy aka Klaris Giddy Up has had some down time due to an accident. He’s now back walking and will hopefully be back in the spring. He will be collecting though so his rocket fuel semen is still available fresh and chilled.
Microwave aka Noble Lord has had an awesome year. Nicole Pavitt took over the ride in June and they forged a great partnership. They jumped some Amazing rounds and at Bolesworth they qualified for HOYS and the World Breeding Championship at Lanaken. Sadly we couldn’t go as Nicole had commitments at another show.
If he’s not sold Microwave will be available fresh and chilled.
Wifi aka Pandito Merelsnest Z had a quiet ish year jumping wise as he was so busy with stud work. He jumped a couple of 1.40m classes in the summer with Morgan and Nicole. He popped round those for fun. Unfortunately he knocked himself in the stable at Bolesworth so it wasn’t to be for him there. He is currently at Phillip’s. He’ll be back this season though for fresh and chilled semen. Frozen also available.
Kung Foo aka Klent Spot On injured himself in the Spring. He’s had the rest of the year off and is currently walking and trotting. Available chilled and fresh.
Kenya aka Warrior Special also had a great year with catch jockeys all over! He really showed his scope and brilliance at Bolesworth, it was a massive step up for him and he jumped awesome. He’s growing into a big impressive one for sure. Available fresh and chilled.
Zellow aka Regal Warratino had a phenomenal year. He won lots of 4 year old classes with different riders - Morgan and Ruby Light shared the ride at the Pyecombe young horse show, with Ruby winning the championship even though she’d never sat on him before! Then Nicole took over and he was awesome at Bolesworth. We then played rent a rider at Hickstead and Ben Raistrick was in the saddle to be a joint winner in the main arena championship.
Available fresh and chilled.
Azure aka Ashent Go Ballistic jumped some age classes then got turned away as he needed time to mature, he’s going to be some power house! Available fresh and chilled.
Mustard aka Ares has been backed and is popping a fence nicely. He’s a pleasure to have around and he’s super fertile on a tricky mare.
These stallions all have fantastic temperaments, with a an easy going trainable brain. It’s a testament to their talent and trainability that they they can take catch riders and win!!
So that’s a wrap for 2022, looking forward to 2023 with lots of championships to aim for.
Dime bar and Wifi out hacking today with Sofia Perks and Ruby Light. It was Morgan’s day off! 😃😃
Wifi and Dime working on the downs: